Prints out each test as it is running, followed by the time taken for each test to run.

Method stopTest Mark the test as stopped, and write the time it took to run the test to the stream.

Inherited from TestResult (via VerboseTextReporter, Reporter):

Instance Variable successes count the number of successes achieved by the test run. (type: int)
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method wasSuccessful Report whether or not this test suite was successful or not.
Method _getTime Undocumented
Method _getFailure Convert a sys.exc_info()-style tuple to a Failure, if necessary.

Inherited from TestResult (via VerboseTextReporter, Reporter):

Instance Variable successes count the number of successes achieved by the test run. (type: int)
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method wasSuccessful Report whether or not this test suite was successful or not.
Method _getTime Undocumented
Method _getFailure Convert a sys.exc_info()-style tuple to a Failure, if necessary.

Inherited from TestResult (via VerboseTextReporter, Reporter):

Instance Variable successes count the number of successes achieved by the test run. (type: int)
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method wasSuccessful Report whether or not this test suite was successful or not.
Method _getTime Undocumented
Method _getFailure Convert a sys.exc_info()-style tuple to a Failure, if necessary.
def stopTest(self, method): (source)

Mark the test as stopped, and write the time it took to run the test to the stream.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.