TestResult decorator that makes sure that addError only gets tests that have been adapted with a particular test adapter.

Method __init__ Construct an _AdaptedReporter.
Method addError See itrial.IReporter.
Method addExpectedFailure See itrial.IReporter.
Method addFailure See itrial.IReporter.
Method addSkip See itrial.IReporter.
Method addUnexpectedSuccess See itrial.IReporter.
Method startTest See itrial.IReporter.
Method stopTest See itrial.IReporter.

Inherited from TestResultDecorator:

Instance Variable _originalReporter The wrapped instance of reporter. (type: A provider of itrial.IReporter)
def __init__(self, original, testAdapter): (source)

Construct an _AdaptedReporter.

ParametersoriginalAn {itrial.IReporter}.
testAdapterA callable that returns an itrial.ITestCase.
def addError(self, test, error): (source)
def addExpectedFailure(self, test, failure, todo=None): (source)
def addFailure(self, test, failure): (source)
def addSkip(self, test, skip): (source)
def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, todo=None): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.