class documentationtwisted.web.vhost
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Wrapper for virtual hosts collection.
This exists for configuration purposes.
Method | __init__ | Initialize me. |
Method | listStaticEntities | Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs that I store references to. |
Method | getStaticEntity | Get an entity that was added to me using putEntity. |
Method | reallyPutEntity | Undocumented |
Method | delEntity | Remove a static reference for 'name'. |
Inherited from Collection (via Homogenous, Constrained):
Method | getDynamicEntity | Subclass this to generate an entity on demand. |
Method | getEntity | Retrieve an entity from me. |
Method | storeEntity | Store an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | removeEntity | Remove an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | listDynamicEntities | A list of all name, entity that I can generate on demand. |
Method | listEntities | Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs I contain. |
Method | listStaticNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listDynamicNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listNames | Retrieve a list of all names for entities that I contain. |
Inherited from Collection (via Homogenous, Constrained):
Method | getDynamicEntity | Subclass this to generate an entity on demand. |
Method | getEntity | Retrieve an entity from me. |
Method | storeEntity | Store an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | removeEntity | Remove an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | listDynamicEntities | A list of all name, entity that I can generate on demand. |
Method | listEntities | Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs I contain. |
Method | listStaticNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listDynamicNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listNames | Retrieve a list of all names for entities that I contain. |
Inherited from Collection (via Homogenous, Constrained):
Method | getDynamicEntity | Subclass this to generate an entity on demand. |
Method | getEntity | Retrieve an entity from me. |
Method | storeEntity | Store an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | removeEntity | Remove an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'. |
Method | listDynamicEntities | A list of all name, entity that I can generate on demand. |
Method | listEntities | Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs I contain. |
Method | listStaticNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listDynamicNames | Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to. |
Method | listNames | Retrieve a list of all names for entities that I contain. |
Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs that I store references to.
See getStaticEntity.
Get an entity that was added to me using putEntity.
This method will return 'None' if it fails.
Remove a static reference for 'name'.
Raises a KeyError if the operation fails.