File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the 'wsgi.input' key in the environ dictionary passed to the application object.

This only exists to make the handling of readline(-1) consistent across different possible underlying file-like object implementations. The other supported methods pass through directly to the wrapped object.

Method __init__ Initialize the instance.
Method read Pass through to the underlying read.
Method readline Pass through to the underlying readline, with a size of -1 replaced with a size of None.
Method readlines Pass through to the underlying readlines.
Method __iter__ Pass through to the underlying __iter__.
def __init__(self, input): (source)

Initialize the instance.

This is called in the I/O thread, not a WSGI application thread.

def read(self, size=None): (source)

Pass through to the underlying read.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

def readline(self, size=None): (source)

Pass through to the underlying readline, with a size of -1 replaced with a size of None.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

def readlines(self, size=None): (source)

Pass through to the underlying readlines.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

def __iter__(self): (source)

Pass through to the underlying __iter__.

This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.