Stream Error exception.

Refer to RFC 3920, section 4.7.3, for the allowed values for condition.

Method getElement Get XML representation from self.

Inherited from BaseError:

Class Variable namespace The namespace of the error element generated by getElement. (type: str)
Instance Variable condition The error condition. The valid values are defined by subclasses of BaseError.
Instance Variable text Optional text message to supplement the condition or application specific condition. (type: unicode)
Instance Variable textLang Identifier of the language used for the message in text. Values are as described in RFC 3066. (type: str)
Instance Variable appCondition Application specific condition element, supplementing the error condition in condition. (type: object providing domish.IElement.)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
def getElement(self): (source)

Get XML representation from self.

Overrides the base BaseError.getElement to make sure the returned element is in the XML Stream namespace.

Returns (type: domish.Element)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.