Known implementations: twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall

A scheduled call.

There are probably other useful methods we can add to this interface; suggestions are welcome.

Method getTime Get time when delayed call will happen.
Method cancel Cancel the scheduled call.
Method delay Delay the scheduled call.
Method reset Reset the scheduled call's timer.
Method active
def getTime(): (source)

Get time when delayed call will happen.

Returnstime in seconds since epoch (a float).
def cancel(): (source)

Cancel the scheduled call.

Raisestwisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalledif the call has already happened.
twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelledif the call has already been cancelled.
def delay(secondsLater): (source)

Delay the scheduled call.

ParameterssecondsLaterhow many seconds from its current firing time to delay
Raisestwisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalledif the call has already happened.
twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelledif the call has already been cancelled.
def reset(secondsFromNow): (source)

Reset the scheduled call's timer.

ParameterssecondsFromNowhow many seconds from now it should fire, equivalent to .cancel() and then doing another reactor.callLater(secondsLater, ...)
Raisestwisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalledif the call has already happened.
twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelledif the call has already been cancelled.
def active(): (source)
ReturnsTrue if this call is still active, False if it has been called or cancelled.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-11 10:39:53.