Known implementations: twisted.web.client._StandardEndpointFactory

An IAgentEndpointFactory provides a way of constructing an endpoint used for outgoing Agent requests. This is useful in the case of needing to proxy outgoing connections, or to otherwise vary the transport used.

Present Since15.0
Method endpointForURI Construct and return an IStreamClientEndpoint for the outgoing request's connection.
def endpointForURI(uri): (source)

Construct and return an IStreamClientEndpoint for the outgoing request's connection.

ParametersuriThe URI of the request. (type: twisted.web.client.URI)
ReturnsAn endpoint which will have its connect method called to issue the request. (type: an IStreamClientEndpoint provider)
Raisestwisted.internet.error.SchemeNotSupportedIf the given URI's scheme cannot be handled by this factory.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-11 10:39:53.