Known subclasses:,

Base class for Accounts.

I am the start of an implementation of IAccount, I implement isOnline and most of logOn, though you'll need to implement _startLogOn in a subclass.

Instance Variable accountName
Instance Variable autoLogin
Instance Variable username
Instance Variable password
Instance Variable host
Instance Variable port
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method upgrateToVersion2 Undocumented
Method __getstate__ Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
Method isOnline Undocumented
Method logOn Log on to this account.
Method getGroup Group factory.
Method getPerson Person factory.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Class Variable _groupFactory A Callable that will return a IGroup appropriate for this account type.
Class Variable _personFactory A Callable that will return a IPerson appropriate for this account type.
Instance Variable _isConnecting Whether I am in the process of establishing a connection to the server. (type: boolean)
Instance Variable _isOnline Whether I am currently on-line with the server. (type: boolean)
Method _startLogOn Start the sign on process.
Method _cb_logOn Undocumented
Method _loginFailed Errorback for logOn.
Method _clientLost Undocumented

Inherited from Versioned:

Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method versionUpgrade (internal) Do a version upgrade.
_groupFactory =
A Callable that will return a IGroup appropriate for this account type.
_personFactory =
A Callable that will return a IPerson appropriate for this account type.
_isConnecting =
Whether I am in the process of establishing a connection to the server. (type: boolean)
_isOnline =
Whether I am currently on-line with the server. (type: boolean)
accountName =
autoLogin =
username =
password =
host =
port =
def __init__(self, accountName, autoLogin, username, password, host, port): (source)
def upgrateToVersion2(self): (source)
def __getstate__(self): (source)

Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.

def isOnline(self): (source)
def logOn(self, chatui): (source)

Log on to this account.

Takes care to not start a connection if a connection is already in progress. You will need to implement _startLogOn for this to work, and it would be a good idea to override _loginFailed too.

Returns (type: Deferred interfaces.IClient)
def getGroup(self, name): (source)

Group factory.

ParametersnameName of the group on this account. (type: string)
def getPerson(self, name): (source)

Person factory.

ParametersnameName of the person on this account. (type: string)
def _startLogOn(self, chatui): (source)

Start the sign on process.

Factored out of logOn.

Returns (type: Deferred interfaces.IClient)
def _cb_logOn(self, client): (source)
def _loginFailed(self, reason): (source)

Errorback for logOn.

Returnsreason, for further processing in the callback chain. (type: Failure)
def _clientLost(self, client, reason): (source)
def __repr__(self): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-11 10:39:53.