No module docstring
Class ProfileRunner Runner for the standard profile module.
Class CProfileRunner Runner for the cProfile module.
Class AppProfiler Class which selects a specific profile runner based on configuration options.
Class AppLogger An AppLogger attaches the configured log observer specified on the commandline to a ServerOptions object, a custom logger.ILogObserver, or a legacy custom {log.ILogObserver}.
Function fixPdb Undocumented
Function runReactorWithLogging Start the reactor, using profiling if specified by the configuration, and log any error happening in the process.
Function getPassphrase Undocumented
Function getSavePassphrase Undocumented
Class ApplicationRunner An object which helps running an application based on a config object.
Function getApplication Undocumented
Class ReactorSelectionMixin Provides options for selecting a reactor to install.
Class ServerOptions No class docstring; 2/6 methods documented
Function run Undocumented
Function convertStyle Undocumented
Function startApplication Undocumented
Class _BasicProfiler
Function _reactorAction Undocumented
def fixPdb(): (source)
def runReactorWithLogging(config, oldstdout, oldstderr, profiler=None, reactor=None): (source)

Start the reactor, using profiling if specified by the configuration, and log any error happening in the process.

Parametersconfigconfiguration of the twistd application. (type: ServerOptions)
oldstdoutinitial value of sys.stdout. (type: file)
oldstderrinitial value of sys.stderr. (type: file)
profilerobject used to run the reactor with profiling. (type: AppProfiler)
reactorThe reactor to use. If None, the global reactor will be used.
def getPassphrase(needed): (source)
def getSavePassphrase(needed): (source)
def getApplication(config, passphrase): (source)
def _reactorAction(): (source)
def run(runApp, ServerOptions): (source)
def convertStyle(filein, typein, passphrase, fileout, typeout, encrypt): (source)
def startApplication(application, save): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.