Construct listening port services from a simple string description.

See Alsotwisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString
Function parse This function is deprecated as of Twisted 10.2.
Function service Return the service corresponding to a description.
Function listen Listen on a port corresponding to a description
def parse(description, factory, default='tcp'): (source)

This function is deprecated as of Twisted 10.2.

See Alsotwisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString
def service(description, factory, default=_DEFAULT, reactor=None): (source)

Return the service corresponding to a description.

ParametersdescriptionThe description of the listening port, in the syntax described by twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString. (type: str)
factoryThe protocol factory which will build protocols for connections to this service. (type: twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory)
defaultDo not use this parameter. It has been deprecated since Twisted 10.2.0. (type: str or None)
Returnsthe service corresponding to a description of a reliable stream server. (type: twisted.application.service.IService)
See Alsotwisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString
def listen(description, factory, default=None): (source)

Listen on a port corresponding to a description

Returnsthe port corresponding to a description of a reliable virtual circuit server. (type: twisted.internet.interfaces.IListeningPort)
See Alsotwisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.