Known implementations: twisted.internet.endpoints._StandardIOParser, twisted.internet.endpoints._SystemdParser, twisted.internet.endpoints._TCP6ServerParser, twisted.protocols.haproxy._parser.HAProxyServerParser

An IStreamServerEndpointStringParser is like an IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor, except for IStreamServerEndpoints instead of clients. It integrates with endpoints.serverFromString in much the same way.

Attribute prefix No summary
Method parseStreamServer Parse a stream server endpoint from a reactor and string-only arguments and keyword arguments.
prefix =

A str, the description prefix to respond to. For example, an IStreamServerEndpointStringParser plugin which had "foo" for its prefix attribute would be called for endpoint descriptions like "foo:bar:baz" or "foo:".

def parseStreamServer(reactor, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Parse a stream server endpoint from a reactor and string-only arguments and keyword arguments.

Returnsa stream server endpoint (type: IStreamServerEndpoint)
See AlsoIStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor.parseStreamClient
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.