Filtering log observer.

Function shouldLogEvent Determine whether an event should be logged, based on the result of predicates.
def shouldLogEvent(predicates, event): (source)

Determine whether an event should be logged, based on the result of predicates.

By default, the result is True; so if there are no predicates, everything will be logged.

If any predicate returns yes, then we will immediately return True.

If any predicate returns no, then we will immediately return False.

As predicates return maybe, we keep calling the next predicate until we run out, at which point we return True.

ParameterspredicatesThe predicates to use. (type: iterable of ILogFilterPredicate)
eventAn event (type: dict)
ReturnsTrue if the message should be forwarded on, False if not. (type: bool)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.