AOT: Abstract Object Trees The source-code-marshallin'est abstract-object-serializin'est persister this side of Marmalade!

Class Named Undocumented
Class Class Undocumented
Class Function Undocumented
Class Module Undocumented
Class InstanceMethod Undocumented
Class Instance Undocumented
Class Ref Undocumented
Class Deref Undocumented
Class Copyreg Undocumented
Function getSource Pass me an AO, I'll return a nicely-formatted source representation.
Class NonFormattableDict A dictionary was not formattable.
Function dictToKW Undocumented
Function prettify Undocumented
Function indentify Undocumented
Function unjellyFromAOT Pass me an Abstract Object Tree, and I'll unjelly it for you.
Function unjellyFromSource Pass me a string of code or a filename that defines an 'app' variable (in terms of Abstract Objects!), and I'll execute it and unjelly the resulting AOT for you, returning a newly unpersisted Application object!
Class AOTUnjellier I handle the unjellying of an Abstract Object Tree. See AOTUnjellier.unjellyAO
Function jellyToAOT Convert an object to an Abstract Object Tree.
Function jellyToSource Pass me an object and, optionally, a file object. I'll convert the object to an AOT either return it (if no file was specified) or write it to the file.
Class AOTJellier No class docstring; 2/4 methods documented
Class _NoStateObj Undocumented
Function _classOfMethod Get the associated class of the given method object.
Function _funcOfMethod Get the associated function of the given method object.
Function _selfOfMethod Get the object that a bound method is bound to.
def getSource(ao): (source)

Pass me an AO, I'll return a nicely-formatted source representation.

def dictToKW(d): (source)
def prettify(obj): (source)
def indentify(s): (source)
def unjellyFromAOT(aot): (source)

Pass me an Abstract Object Tree, and I'll unjelly it for you.

def unjellyFromSource(stringOrFile): (source)

Pass me a string of code or a filename that defines an 'app' variable (in terms of Abstract Objects!), and I'll execute it and unjelly the resulting AOT for you, returning a newly unpersisted Application object!

def jellyToAOT(obj): (source)

Convert an object to an Abstract Object Tree.

def jellyToSource(obj, file=None): (source)

Pass me an object and, optionally, a file object. I'll convert the object to an AOT either return it (if no file was specified) or write it to the file.

def _classOfMethod(methodObject): (source)

Get the associated class of the given method object.

ParametersmethodObjecta bound method (type: types.MethodType)
Returnsa class (type: types.ClassType or type)
def _funcOfMethod(methodObject): (source)

Get the associated function of the given method object.

ParametersmethodObjecta bound method (type: types.MethodType)
Returnsthe function implementing methodObject (type: types.FunctionType)
def _selfOfMethod(methodObject): (source)

Get the object that a bound method is bound to.

ParametersmethodObjecta bound method (type: types.MethodType)
Returnsthe self passed to methodObject (type: object)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.