Classes for working with NMEA 0183 sentence producing devices. This standard is generally just called "NMEA", which is actually the name of the body that produces the standard, not the standard itself..

For more information, read the blog post on NMEA by ESR (the gpsd maintainer) at Unfortunately, official specifications on NMEA 0183 are only available at a cost.

More information can be found on the Wikipedia page:

The official standard may be obtained through the NMEA's website:

Present Since14.0
Class GPGGAFixQualities The possible fix quality indications for GPGGA sentences.
Class GPGLLGPRMCFixQualities The possible fix quality indications in GPGLL and GPRMC sentences.
Class GPGSAFixTypes The possible fix types of a GPGSA sentence.
Class NMEAProtocol A protocol that parses and verifies the checksum of an NMEA sentence (in string form, not NMEASentence), and delegates to a receiver.
Class NMEASentence An object representing an NMEA sentence.
Class NMEAAdapter An adapter from NMEAProtocol receivers to positioning receivers.
Function _split Returns the split version of an NMEA sentence, minus header and checksum.
Function _validateChecksum Validates the checksum of an NMEA sentence.
def _split(sentence): (source)

Returns the split version of an NMEA sentence, minus header and checksum.

>>> _split(b"$GPGGA,spam,eggs*00")
[b'GPGGA', b'spam', b'eggs']
ParameterssentenceThe NMEA sentence to split. (type: bytes)
def _validateChecksum(sentence): (source)

Validates the checksum of an NMEA sentence.

ParameterssentenceThe NMEA sentence to check the checksum of. (type: bytes)
RaisesValueErrorIf the sentence has an invalid checksum.

Simply returns on sentences that either don't have a checksum, or have a valid checksum.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.