Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IConsumer

No class docstring
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method sendLine Send a line to data channel.
Method sendListResponse Undocumented
Method registerProducer Register to receive data from a producer.
Method unregisterProducer Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
Method write The producer will write data by calling this method.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method registerConsumer Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented
Method _formatOneListResponse Helper method to format one entry's info into a text entry like: 'drwxrwxrwx 0 user group 0 Jan 01 1970 filename.txt'
Method _conswrite Undocumented
Method _unregConsumer Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection is made.

This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because it is called when the connection is completed. For clients, this is called once the connection to the server has been established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call stops blocking and a socket has been received. If you need to send any greeting or initial message, do it here.

def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

Called when the connection is shut down.

Clear any circular references here, and any external references to this Protocol. The connection has been closed.

def sendLine(self, line): (source)

Send a line to data channel.

ParameterslineThe line to be sent. (type: bytes)
def _formatOneListResponse(self, name, size, directory, permissions, hardlinks, modified, owner, group): (source)

Helper method to format one entry's info into a text entry like: 'drwxrwxrwx 0 user group 0 Jan 01 1970 filename.txt'

Parametersnamestr name of the entry (file or directory or link)
sizeint size of the entry
directoryevals to bool - whether the entry is a directory
permissionstwisted.python.filepath.Permissions object representing that entry's permissions
hardlinksint number of hardlinks
modifiedfloat - entry's last modified time in seconds since the epoch
ownerstr username of the owner
groupstr group name of the owner
Returnsstr in the requisite format
def sendListResponse(self, name, response): (source)
def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): (source)

Register to receive data from a producer.

This sets self to be a consumer for a producer. When this object runs out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will ask the producer to resumeProducing().

For IPullProducer providers, resumeProducing will be called once each time data is required.

For IPushProducer providers, pauseProducing will be called whenever the write buffer fills up and resumeProducing will only be called when it empties.

ParametersstreamingTrue if producer provides IPushProducer, False if producer provides IPullProducer. (type: bool)
RaisesRuntimeErrorIf a producer is already registered.
def unregisterProducer(self): (source)

Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.

def write(self, data): (source)

The producer will write data by calling this method.

The implementation must be non-blocking and perform whatever buffering is necessary. If the producer has provided enough data for now and it is a IPushProducer, the consumer may call its pauseProducing method.

def _conswrite(self, bytes): (source)
def dataReceived(self, bytes): (source)

Called whenever data is received.

Use this method to translate to a higher-level message. Usually, some callback will be made upon the receipt of each complete protocol message.

Parametersdataa string of indeterminate length. Please keep in mind that you will probably need to buffer some data, as partial (or multiple) protocol messages may be received! I recommend that unit tests for protocols call through to this method with differing chunk sizes, down to one byte at a time.
def _unregConsumer(self, ignored): (source)
def registerConsumer(self, cons): (source)
def resumeProducing(self): (source)
def pauseProducing(self): (source)
def stopProducing(self): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.