Known implementations: twisted.web.template.Element

An IRenderable is an object that may be rendered by the twisted.web.template templating system.

Method lookupRenderMethod Look up and return the render method associated with the given name.
Method render Get the document for this IRenderable.
def lookupRenderMethod(name): (source)

Look up and return the render method associated with the given name.

ParametersnameThe value of a render directive encountered in the document returned by a call to IRenderable.render. (type: str)
ReturnsA two-argument callable which will be invoked with the request being responded to and the tag object on which the render directive was encountered.
def render(request): (source)

Get the document for this IRenderable.

ParametersrequestThe request in response to which this method is being invoked. (type: IRequest provider or None)
ReturnsAn object which can be flattened.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.