XPath query support.

This module provides XPathQuery to match domish.Element instances against XPath-like expressions.

Class LiteralValue Undocumented
Class IndexValue Undocumented
Class AttribValue Undocumented
Class CompareValue Undocumented
Class BooleanValue Provide boolean XPath expression operators.
Function Function Internal method which selects the function object
Class XPathQuery Undocumented
Function internQuery Undocumented
Function matches Undocumented
Function queryForStringList Undocumented
Function queryForString Undocumented
Function queryForNodes Undocumented
Class _not_Function Undocumented
Class _text_Function Undocumented
Class _Location Undocumented
Class _AnyLocation Undocumented
def Function(fname): (source)

Internal method which selects the function object

def internQuery(queryString): (source)
def matches(xpathstr, elem): (source)
def queryForStringList(xpathstr, elem): (source)
def queryForString(xpathstr, elem): (source)
def queryForNodes(xpathstr, elem): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-11-26 06:44:29.