interface documentationtwisted.internet.interfaces
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Known implementations: twisted.protocols.tls.TLSMemoryBIOProtocol
A TLS based transport that supports using ALPN/NPN to negotiate the protocol to be used inside the encrypted tunnel.
Attribute | negotiatedProtocol | No summary |
Inherited from ITransport (via ISSLTransport, ITCPTransport):
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Inherited from ITransport (via ISSLTransport, ITCPTransport):
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Inherited from ITransport (via ISSLTransport, ITCPTransport):
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
The protocol selected to be spoken using ALPN/NPN. The result from ALPN
is preferred to the result from NPN if both were used. If the remote peer
does not support ALPN or NPN, or neither NPN or ALPN are available on this
machine, will be None
Otherwise, will be the name of the selected protocol as bytes
Note that until the handshake has completed this property may incorrectly
return None
wait until data has been received before trusting it (see