interface documentationtwisted.internet.interfaces
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Known implementations: twisted.internet._newtls.ConnectionMixin, twisted.internet.iocpreactor.tcp.Connection
A TCP transport that supports switching to TLS midstream.
Once TLS mode is started the transport will implement ISSLTransport
Method | startTLS | Initiate TLS negotiation. |
Inherited from ITransport (via ITCPTransport):
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Inherited from ITransport (via ITCPTransport):
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Initiate TLS negotiation.
Parameters | contextFactory | An object which creates appropriately configured TLS connections.
For clients, use IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator
or IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator ,
depending on whether this ITLSTransport
is a server or not. If the appropriate interface is not provided by the
value given for contextFactory , it must be an implementor of
IOpenSSLContextFactory .) |