module documentationtwisted.python
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Twisted's automated release system.
This module is only for use within Twisted's release system. If you are anyone else, do not use it. The interface and behaviour will change without notice.
Only Linux is supported by this code. It should not be used by any tools which must run on multiple platforms (eg the script).
Function | runCommand | Execute a vector of arguments. |
Interface | IVCSCommand | An interface for VCS commands. |
Class | GitCommand | Subset of Git commands to release Twisted from a Git repository. |
Function | getRepositoryCommand | Detect the VCS used in the specified directory and return a GitCommand
if the directory is a Git repository. If the directory is not git, it
raises a NotWorkingDirectory
exception. |
Class | Project | A representation of a project that has a version. |
Function | findTwistedProjects | Find all Twisted-style projects beneath a base directory. |
Function | replaceInFile | I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using science. |
Class | NoDocumentsFound | Raised when no input documents are found. |
Class | APIBuilder | Generate API documentation from source files using pydoctor. This requires pydoctor to be installed and usable. |
Class | SphinxBuilder | Generate HTML documentation using Sphinx. |
Function | filePathDelta | Return a list of strings that represent destination as a
path relative to origin . |
Class | NotWorkingDirectory | Raised when a directory does not appear to be a repository directory of a supported VCS. |
Class | BuildAPIDocsScript | A thing for building API documentation. See main . |
Class | CheckTopfileScript | A thing for checking whether a checkout has a newsfragment. |
Execute a vector of arguments.
This is a wrapper around subprocess.check_output
so it takes the same arguments as subprocess.Popen
with one difference: all arguments after the vector must be keyword
Detect the VCS used in the specified directory and return a GitCommand
if the directory is a Git repository. If the directory is not git, it
raises a NotWorkingDirectory
Parameters | directory | The directory to detect the VCS used from. (type: FilePath ) |
Returns | (type: GitCommand ) | |
Raises | NotWorkingDirectory | if no supported VCS can be found from the specified directory. |
Find all Twisted-style projects beneath a base directory.
Parameters | baseDirectory | A twisted.python.filepath.FilePath
to look inside. |
Returns | A list of Project . |
I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using science.
Return a list of strings that represent destination
as a
path relative to origin
It is assumed that both paths represent directories, not files. That is
to say, the delta of twisted.python.filepath.FilePath
/foo/bar to twisted.python.filepath.FilePath
/foo/baz will be ../baz
, not baz
Parameters | origin | The origin of the relative path. (type: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath ) |
destination | The destination of the relative path. (type: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath ) |