Known subclasses: twisted.conch.ssh._kex._IEllipticCurveExchangeKexAlgorithm, twisted.conch.ssh._kex._IFixedGroupKexAlgorithm, twisted.conch.ssh._kex._IGroupExchangeKexAlgorithm

An _IKexAlgorithm describes a key exchange algorithm.

Attribute preference An int giving the preference of the algorithm when negotiating key exchange. Algorithms with lower precedence values are more preferred.
Attribute hashProcessor A callable hash algorithm constructor (e.g. hashlib.sha256) suitable for use with this key exchange algorithm.
preference =

An int giving the preference of the algorithm when negotiating key exchange. Algorithms with lower precedence values are more preferred.

hashProcessor =

A callable hash algorithm constructor (e.g. hashlib.sha256) suitable for use with this key exchange algorithm.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2017-09-23 19:45:03.