A smart host which uses ESMTP managed relayers to send messages from the relay queue.

Instance Variable factory A callable which creates a factory for creating a managed relayer. See ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__ for parameters to the callable. (type: callable which returns ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory)

Inherited from SmartHostSMTPRelayingManager:

Instance Variable queue See __init__.
Instance Variable maxConnections See __init__.
Instance Variable maxMessagesPerConnection See __init__.
Instance Variable fArgs Positional arguments for SMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__. (type: 3-tuple of (0) list of bytes, (1) _AttemptManager, (2) bytes or 4-tuple of (0) list of bytes, (1) _AttemptManager, (2) bytes, (3) int)
Instance Variable fKwArgs Keyword arguments for SMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__. (type: dict)
Instance Variable PORT The port over which to connect to the SMTP server. (type: int)
Instance Variable mxcalc A resource for mail exchange host lookups. (type: None or MXCalculator)
Instance Variable managed A mapping of factory for a managed relayer to filenames of messages the managed relayer is responsible for. (type: dict mapping SMTPManagedRelayerFactory to list of bytes)
Method __init__ Initialize a smart host.
Method __getstate__ Create a representation of the non-volatile state of this object.
Method __setstate__ Restore the non-volatile state of this object and recreate the volatile state.
Method checkState Check the state of the relay queue and, if possible, launch relayers to handle waiting messages.
Method _checkStateMX Undocumented
Method _cbExchange Initiate a connection with a mail exchange server.
Method _ebExchange Prepare to resend messages later.
factory =
A callable which creates a factory for creating a managed relayer. See ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__ for parameters to the callable. (type: callable which returns ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2017-09-23 19:45:03.