Known implementations: twisted.words.protocols.jabber.sasl_mechanisms.Anonymous, twisted.words.protocols.jabber.sasl_mechanisms.DigestMD5, twisted.words.protocols.jabber.sasl_mechanisms.Plain

No interface docstring
Attribute name Common name for the SASL Mechanism.
Method getInitialResponse Get the initial client response, if defined for this mechanism.
Method getResponse Get the response to a server challenge.
name =

Common name for the SASL Mechanism.

def getInitialResponse(): (source)

Get the initial client response, if defined for this mechanism.

Returnsinitial client response string. (type: str.)
def getResponse(challenge): (source)

Get the response to a server challenge.

Parameterschallengeserver challenge. (type: str.)
Returnsclient response. (type: str.)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2017-09-23 19:45:03.