class twisted.conch.endpoints._UserAuth(SSHUserAuthClient): (source)
Class Variable | password | Undocumented |
Class Variable | keys | Undocumented |
Class Variable | agent | Undocumented |
Method | getPublicKey | Retrieve the next public key object to offer to the server, possibly delegating to an authentication agent if there is one. |
Instance Variable | key | Undocumented |
Method | signData | Extend the base signing behavior by using an SSH agent to sign the data, if one is available. |
Method | getPrivateKey | Get the private part of a key pair to use for authentication. The key corresponds to the public part most recently returned from getPublicKey . |
Method | getPassword | Get the password to use for authentication. |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS | Handle user authentication success in the normal way, but also make a note of the state change on the _CommandTransport . |
Method | connectToAgent | Set up a connection to the authentication agent and trigger its initialization. |
Method | loseAgentConnection | Disconnect the agent. |
Inherited from SSHUserAuthClient:
Instance Variable | name | the name of this service: 'ssh-userauth' |
Instance Variable | preferredOrder | a list of authentication methods that should be used first, in order of preference, if supported by the server |
Instance Variable | user | the name of the user to authenticate as |
Instance Variable | instance | the service to start after authentication has finished |
Instance Variable | authenticatedWith | a list of strings of authentication methods we've tried |
Instance Variable | triedPublicKeys | a list of public key objects that we've tried to authenticate with |
Instance Variable | lastPublicKey | the last public key object we've tried to authenticate with |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | serviceStarted | called when the service is active on the transport. |
Method | askForAuth | Send a MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST. |
Instance Variable | lastAuth | Undocumented |
Method | tryAuth | Dispatch to an authentication method. |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_FAILURE | We received a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE. Payload:: string methods byte partial success |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK | This message (number 60) can mean several different messages depending on the current authentication type. We dispatch to individual methods in order to handle this request. |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_publickey | This is MSG_USERAUTH_PK. Our public key is valid, so we create a signature and try to authenticate with it. |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_password | This is MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ. The password given has expired. We ask for an old password and a new password, then send both back to the server. |
Method | ssh_USERAUTH_PK_OK_keyboard_interactive | This is MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE. The server has sent us the questions it wants us to answer, so we ask the user and sent the responses. |
Method | auth_publickey | Try to authenticate with a public key. Ask the user for a public key; if the user has one, send the request to the server and return True. Otherwise, return False. |
Method | auth_password | Try to authenticate with a password. Ask the user for a password. If the user will return a password, return True. Otherwise, return False. |
Method | auth_keyboard_interactive | Try to authenticate with keyboard-interactive authentication. Send the request to the server and return True. |
Method | getGenericAnswers | Returns a Deferred with the responses to the promopts. |
Method | _ebAuth | Generic callback for a failed authentication attempt. Respond by asking for the list of accepted methods (the 'none' method) |
Method | _cbUserauthFailure | Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _oldPass | Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _newPass | Undocumented |
Method | _cbSignedData | Called back out of self.signData with the signed data. Send the authentication request with the signature. |
Method | _setOldPass | Called back when we are choosing a new password. Simply store the old password for now. |
Method | _setNewPass | Called back when we are choosing a new password. Get the old password and send the authentication message with both. |
Method | _cbGenericAnswers | Called back when we are finished answering keyboard-interactive questions. Send the info back to the server in a MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE. |
Method | _cbGetPublicKey | Undocumented |
Method | _cbPassword | Called back when the user gives a password. Send the request to the server. |
Method | _cbSignData | Called back when the private key is returned. Sign the data and return the signature. |
Inherited from SSHService (via SSHUserAuthClient):
Class Variable | protocolMessages | Undocumented |
Class Variable | transport | Undocumented |
Method | serviceStopped | called when the service is stopped, either by the connection ending or by another service being started |
Method | logPrefix | Undocumented |
Method | packetReceived | called when we receive a packet on the transport |
Class Variable | _log | Undocumented |
Retrieve the next public key object to offer to the server, possibly delegating to an authentication agent if there is one.
Returns | The public part of a key pair that could be used to authenticate with the server, or None if there are no more public keys to try. (type: twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Key or None ) |
Handle user authentication success in the normal way, but also make a note of the state change on the _CommandTransport
Set up a connection to the authentication agent and trigger its initialization.
Parameters | endpoint | An endpoint which can be used to connect to the authentication agent. (type: IStreamClientEndpoint provider) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires when the agent connection is ready for use. |