Part of twisted.python._release View Source View In Hierarchy
A builder of Twisted distributions.
This knows how to build tarballs for Twisted and all of its subprojects.Method | __init__ | Create a distribution builder. |
Method | buildTwisted | Build the main Twisted distribution in
Twisted-<version>.tar.bz2 .
Method | buildCore | Build a core distribution in
TwistedCore-<version>.tar.bz2 .
Method | buildSubProject | Build a subproject distribution in
Twisted<Projectname>-<version>.tar.bz2 .
Method | _buildDocInDir | Generate documentation in the given path, building man pages first if necessary and swallowing errors (so that directories without lore documentation in them are ignored). |
Method | _createBasicSubprojectTarball | Helper method to create and fill a tarball with things common between subprojects and core. |
Parameters | path | The path containing documentation to build.
(type: FilePath
) |
version | The version of the project to include in all generated pages.
(type: str
) | |
howtoPath | The "resource path" as DocBuilder
describes it.
(type: FilePath
) |
Parameters | version | The version of Twisted to build.
(type: str
) |
Returns | The tarball file.
(type: FilePath .
) |
Build a core distribution in C{TwistedCore-<version>.tar.bz2}. This is very similar to L{buildSubProject}, but core tarballs and the input are laid out slightly differently. - scripts are in the top level of the C{bin} directory. - code is included directly from the C{twisted} directory, excluding subprojects. - all plugins except the subproject plugins are included. @type version: C{str} @param version: The version of Twisted to build. @return: The tarball file. @rtype: L{FilePath}.
Parameters | projectName | The lowercase name of the subproject to build.
(type: str
) |
version | The version of Twisted to build.
(type: str
) | |
Returns | The tarball file.
(type: FilePath .
) |
Parameters | projectName | The subproject's name.
(type: str
) |
version | The version of the release.
(type: str
) | |
outputFile | The location of the tar file to create.
(type: FilePath
) |