Part of twisted.scripts View Source
Class | ServerOptions | No class docstring; 1/2 methods documented |
Function | checkPID | Undocumented |
Function | removePID | Undocumented |
Function | startLogging | Undocumented |
Function | daemonize | Undocumented |
Function | shedPrivileges | Undocumented |
Function | launchWithName | Undocumented |
Function | setupEnvironment | Undocumented |
Function | startApplication | Undocumented |
Class | UnixApplicationRunner | An ApplicationRunner which does Unix-specific things, like fork, shed privileges, and maintain a PID file. |
Function | _getLogObserver | Create and return a suitable log observer for the given configuration. |
Create and return a suitable log observer for the given configuration.
The observer will go to syslog using the prefixprefix
is true. Otherwise, it will go to the file named
or, if nodaemon
is true and
is "-"
, to stdout.
Parameters | logfilename | The name of the file to which to log, if other than the default.
(type: str
) |
sysLog | A flag indicating whether to use syslog instead of file logging.
(type: bool
) | |
prefix | If sysLog is True , the string prefix to use
for syslog messages.
(type: str
) | |
nodaemon | A flag indicating the process will not be daemonizing.
(type: bool
) | |
Returns | An object suitable to be passed to log.addObserver .