t.m.u.s.Explorer(pb.RemoteCache) : class documentation

Part of twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerBulitin, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerClass, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerFunction, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerImmutable, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerInstance, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerMapping, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerModule, twisted.manhole.ui.spelunk_gnome.ExplorerSequence

Base class for all RemoteCaches of explorer.Explorer cachables.

Meaning that when an Explorer comes back over the wire, one of these is created. From this, you can make a Visage for the SpelunkDisplay, or a widget to display as an Attribute.
Method newVisage Make a new visage for the object I explore.
Method newAttributeWidget Make a new attribute item for my object.
Method give_properties Give a spelunker my properties in an ordered list.
Method give_attributes Undocumented
def newVisage(self, group, canvas=None): (source)

Make a new visage for the object I explore.

Returns a Visage.
def newAttributeWidget(self, group): (source)

Make a new attribute item for my object.

Returns a gtk.Widget.
def give_properties(self, spelunker): (source)
Give a spelunker my properties in an ordered list.
def give_attributes(self, spelunker): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:57:47.