Part of View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces:
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | initialize | Undocumented |
Method | addGroup | Undocumented |
Method | addSubscription | Undocumented |
Method | addModerator | Undocumented |
Method | listRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a list of 4-tuples containing (name, max index, min index, flags) for each news group |
Method | subscriptionRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the list of recommended subscription groups for new server users |
Method | getModerator | Undocumented |
Method | notifyModerator | Undocumented |
Method | postRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be invoked if 'message' is successfully posted to one or more specified groups and whose errback will be invoked otherwise. |
Method | overviewRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the a list of headers describing this server's overview format. |
Method | xoverRequest | No summary |
Method | xhdrRequest | No summary |
Method | listGroupRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a two-tuple of (group name, [article indices]) |
Method | groupRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a five-tuple of (group name, article count, highest index, lowest index, group flags) |
Method | articleExistsRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed with a true value if a message with the specified Message-ID exists in the database and with a false value otherwise. |
Method | articleRequest | No summary |
Method | headRequest | No summary |
Method | bodyRequest | No summary |