t.p.j.b.MemoryJournal(Journal) : class documentation

Part of twisted.persisted.journal.base View Source View In Hierarchy

Prevayler-like journal that dumps from memory to disk.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method getLastSnapshot Return command index of the last snapshot taken.
Method sync Save journal to disk, returns Deferred of finish status.

Inherited from Journal:

Method updateFromLog Run all commands from log that haven't been run yet.
Method executeCommand Log and execute a command.
Method _reallyExecute Callback called when logging command is done.
def __init__(self, log, journaledService, path, loadedCallback): (source)
def getLastSnapshot(self): (source)
Return command index of the last snapshot taken.
def sync(self, obj): (source)

Save journal to disk, returns Deferred of finish status.

Subclasses may choose whatever signature is appropriate, or may not implement this at all.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:57:47.