t.p.j.r.RowJournal(base.Journal) : class documentation

Part of twisted.persisted.journal.rowjournal View Source View In Hierarchy

Journal that stores data 'snapshot' in using twisted.enterprise.row.

Use this as the reflector instead of the original reflector.

It may block on creation, if it has to run recovery.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method updateRow Mark on object for updating when sync()ing.
Method insertRow Mark on object for inserting when sync()ing.
Method deleteRow Mark on object for deleting when sync()ing.
Method loadObjectsFrom Flush all objects to the database and then load objects.
Method sync Commit changes to database.
Method getLastSnapshot Return command index of last snapshot.
Method _sync Do the actual database synchronization.
Method _syncDone Undocumented

Inherited from Journal:

Method updateFromLog Run all commands from log that haven't been run yet.
Method executeCommand Log and execute a command.
Method _reallyExecute Callback called when logging command is done.
def __init__(self, log, journaledService, reflector): (source)
def updateRow(self, obj): (source)
Mark on object for updating when sync()ing.
def insertRow(self, obj): (source)
Mark on object for inserting when sync()ing.
def deleteRow(self, obj): (source)
Mark on object for deleting when sync()ing.
def loadObjectsFrom(self, tableName, parentRow=None, data=None, whereClause=None, forceChildren=0): (source)
Flush all objects to the database and then load objects.
def sync(self): (source)
Commit changes to database.
def _sync(self, txn, index, commands): (source)
Do the actual database synchronization.
def _syncDone(self, result): (source)
def getLastSnapshot(self): (source)
Return command index of last snapshot.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:57:47.