Part of twisted.protocols View Source
This module implements AMP, the Asynchronous Messaging Protocol.
AMP is a protocol for sending multiple asynchronous request/response pairs over the same connection. Requests and responses are both collections of key/value pairs.
AMP is a very simple protocol which is not an application. This module is a "protocol construction kit" of sorts; it attempts to be the simplest wire-level implementation of Deferreds. AMP provides the following base-level features:class Sum(amp.Command): arguments = [('a', amp.Integer()), ('b', amp.Integer())] response = [('total', amp.Integer())]Once you have specified a command, you need to make it part of a protocol, and define a responder for it. Here's a 'JustSum' protocol that includes a responder for our 'Sum' command:
class JustSum(amp.AMP): def sum(self, a, b): total = a + b print 'Did a sum: %d + %d = %d' % (a, b, total) return {'total': total} Sum.responder(sum)Later, when you want to actually do a sum, the following expression will return a Deferred which will fire with the result:
ClientCreator(reactor, amp.AMP).connectTCP(...).addCallback( lambda p: p.callRemote(Sum, a=13, b=81)).addCallback( lambda result: result['total'])You can also define the propagation of specific errors in AMP. For example, for the slightly more complicated case of division, we might have to deal with division by zero:
class Divide(amp.Command): arguments = [('numerator', amp.Integer()), ('denominator', amp.Integer())] response = [('result', amp.Float())] errors = {ZeroDivisionError: 'ZERO_DIVISION'}The 'errors' mapping here tells AMP that if a responder to Divide emits a
, then the other side should be informed
that an error of the type 'ZERO_DIVISION' has occurred. Writing a
responder which takes advantage of this is very simple - just raise your
exception normally:
class JustDivide(amp.AMP): def divide(self, numerator, denominator): result = numerator / denominator print 'Divided: %d / %d = %d' % (numerator, denominator, total) return {'result': result} Divide.responder(divide)On the client side, the errors mapping will be used to determine what the 'ZERO_DIVISION' error means, and translated into an asynchronous exception, which can be handled normally as any
def trapZero(result): result.trap(ZeroDivisionError) print "Divided by zero: returning INF" return 1e1000 ClientCreator(reactor, amp.AMP).connectTCP(...).addCallback( lambda p: p.callRemote(Divide, numerator=1234, denominator=0) ).addErrback(trapZero)For a complete, runnable example of both of these commands, see the files in the Twisted repository:
doc/core/examples/ doc/core/examples/ampclient.pyOn the wire, AMP is a protocol which uses 2-byte lengths to prefix keys and values, and empty keys to separate messages:
<2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value> <2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value> ... <2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value> <NUL><NUL> # Empty Key == End of MessageAnd so on. Because it's tedious to refer to lengths and NULs constantly, the documentation will refer to packets as if they were newline delimited, like so:
C: _command: sum C: _ask: ef639e5c892ccb54 C: a: 13 C: b: 81 S: _answer: ef639e5c892ccb54 S: total: 94
Values are limited to the maximum encodable size in a 16-bit length, 65535 bytes.
Keys are limited to the maximum encodable size in a 8-bit length, 255 bytes. Note that we still use 2-byte lengths to encode keys. This small redundancy has several features:Interface | IBoxSender | A transport which can send AmpBox
Interface | IBoxReceiver | An application object which can receive AmpBox objects
and dispatch them appropriately.
Interface | IResponderLocator | An application object which can look up appropriate responder methods for AMP commands. |
Class | AmpError | Base class of all Amp-related exceptions. |
Class | ProtocolSwitched | Connections which have been switched to other protocols can no longer accept traffic at the AMP level. This is raised when you try to send it. |
Class | OnlyOneTLS | This is an implementation limitation; TLS may only be started once per connection. |
Class | NoEmptyBoxes | You can't have empty boxes on the connection. This is raised when you receive or attempt to send one. |
Class | InvalidSignature | You didn't pass all the required arguments. |
Class | TooLong | One of the protocol's length limitations was violated. |
Class | BadLocalReturn | A bad value was returned from a local command; we were unable to coerce it. |
Class | RemoteAmpError | This error indicates that something went wrong on the remote end of the connection, and the error was serialized and transmitted to you. |
Class | UnknownRemoteError | This means that an error whose type we can't identify was raised from the other side. |
Class | MalformedAmpBox | This error indicates that the wire-level protocol was malformed. |
Class | UnhandledCommand | A command received via amp could not be dispatched. |
Class | IncompatibleVersions | It was impossible to negotiate a compatible version of the protocol with the other end of the connection. |
Class | AmpBox | I am a packet in the AMP protocol, much like a regular str:str dictionary. |
Class | QuitBox | I am an AmpBox that, upon being sent, terminates the connection. |
Class | BoxDispatcher | A BoxDispatcher
dispatches '_ask', '_answer', and '_error' AmpBox es, both
incoming and outgoing, to their appropriate destinations.
Class | CommandLocator | A CommandLocator
is a collection of responders to AMP Command s, with
the help of the Command.responder
Class | SimpleStringLocator | Implement the locateResponder
method to do simple, string-based dispatch.
Class | Argument | Base-class of all objects that take values from Amp packets and convert them into objects for Python functions. |
Class | Integer | Convert to and from 'int'. |
Class | String | Don't do any conversion at all; just pass through 'str'. |
Class | Float | Encode floating-point values on the wire as their repr. |
Class | Boolean | Encode True or False as "True" or "False" on the wire. |
Class | Unicode | Encode a unicode string on the wire as UTF-8. |
Class | Path | Encode and decode filepath.FilePath
instances as paths on the wire.
Class | AmpList | Convert a list of dictionaries into a list of AMP boxes on the wire. |
Class | Command | Subclass me to specify an AMP Command. |
Class | StartTLS | Use, or subclass, me to implement a command that starts TLS. |
Class | ProtocolSwitchCommand | No summary |
Class | BinaryBoxProtocol | A protocol for receving Box es - key/value pairs - via
length-prefixed strings. A box is composed of:
Class | AMP | This protocol is an AMP connection. See the module docstring for protocol details. |
Class | _SwitchBox | Implementation detail of ProtocolSwitchCommand: I am a AmpBox which sets up state for the protocol to switch. |
Function | _wireNameToPythonIdentifier | No summary |
Class | _NoCertificate | No summary |
Class | _TLSBox | I am an AmpBox that, upon being sent, initiates a TLS connection. |
Class | _LocalArgument | Local arguments are never actually relayed across the wire. This is just a shim so that StartTLS can pretend to have some arguments: if arguments acquire documentation properties, replace this with something nicer later. |
Class | _ParserHelper | A box receiver which records all boxes received. |
Function | _stringsToObjects | Convert an AmpBox to a dictionary of python objects, converting through a given arglist. |
Function | _objectsToStrings | Convert a dictionary of python objects to an AmpBox, converting through a given arglist. |
(Private) Normalize an argument name from the wire for use with Python code. If the return value is going to be a python keyword it will be capitalized. If it contains any dashes they will be replaced with underscores.
The rationale behind this method is that AMP should be an inherently multi-language protocol, so message keys may contain all manner of bizarre bytes. This is not a complete solution; there are still forms of arguments that this implementation will be unable to parse. However, Python identifiers share a huge raft of properties with identifiers from many other languages, so this is a 'good enough' effort for now. We deal explicitly with dashes because that is the most likely departure: Lisps commonly use dashes to separate method names, so protocols initially implemented in a lisp amp dialect may use dashes in argument or command names.Parameters | key | a str, looking something like 'foo-bar-baz' or 'from' |
Returns | a str which is a valid python identifier, looking something like 'foo_bar_baz' or 'From'. |
Parameters | strings | an AmpBox (or dict of strings) |
arglist | a list of 2-tuples of strings and Argument objects, as described in
Command.arguments .
| |
proto | an AMP
| |
Returns | the converted dictionary mapping names to argument objects. |
Parameters | objects | a dict mapping names to python objects |
arglist | a list of 2-tuples of strings and Argument objects, as described in
Command.arguments .
| |
strings | [OUT PARAMETER] An object providing the dict interface which
will be populated with serialized data.
| |
proto | an AMP
| |
Returns | The converted dictionary mapping names to encoded argument strings
(identical to strings ).