Part of twisted.spread.pb View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.manhole.service.Perspective
Implements interfaces: twisted.spread.pb.IPerspective
A default IPerspective implementor.
This class is intended to be subclassed, and a realm should return an instance of such a subclass when IPerspective is requested of it.
A peer requesting a perspective will receive only aRemoteReference
to a pb.Avatar. When a method is called on that RemoteReference
it will translate to a method on the remote perspective named
'perspective_methodname'. (For more information on invoking methods on
other objects, see flavors.ViewPoint
Method | perspectiveMessageReceived | This method is called when a network message is received. |
This method is called when a network message is received.
I will call:| self.perspective_%(message)s(*broker.unserialize(args), | **broker.unserialize(kw))to handle the method; subclasses of Avatar are expected to implement methods of this naming convention.