t.w.g.AuthForm(widgets.Form) : class documentation

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No class docstring
Method __init__ Initialize, specifying various options.
Method gotPerspective Undocumented
Method didntGetPerspective Undocumented
Method gotIdentity Undocumented
Method passwordIsOk Undocumented
Method didntGetIdentity Undocumented
Method process Process the form results.

Inherited from Form:

Method getFormFields I return a list of lists describing this form, or a Deferred.
Method format I display an HTML FORM according to the result of self.getFormFields.
Method getFormID Override me: I disambiguate between multiple forms of the same type.
Method formatError Format an error message.
Method shouldProcess Undocumented
Method tryAgain Utility method for re-drawing the form with an error message.
Method display Display the form.
Method _doProcess (internal) Prepare arguments for self.process.
Method _displayProcess Undocumented
Method _displayFormat Undocumented

Inherited from Widget (via Form):

Method getTitle Undocumented
def __init__(self, reqauth, sessionIdentity=None, sessionPerspective=None): (source)
Initialize, specifying various options.
Parametersreqautha web.resource.Resource instance, indicating which resource a user will be logging into with this form; this must specify a serviceName attribute which indicates the name of the service from which perspectives will be requested.
sessionIdentityif specified, the name of the attribute on the user's session to set for the identity they get from logging in to this form.
sessionPerspectiveif specified, the name of the attribute on the user's session to set for the perspective they get from logging in to this form.
def gotPerspective(self, perspective, request, ident): (source)
def didntGetPerspective(self, error, request): (source)
def gotIdentity(self, ident, password, request, perspectiveName): (source)
def passwordIsOk(self, msg, ident, password, request, perspectiveName): (source)
def didntGetIdentity(self, unauth, request): (source)
def process(self, write, request, submit, username, password, perspective): (source)
Process the form results.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:57:47.