Part of twisted.web.tap View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | opt_index | Add the name of a file used to check for directory indexes. [default: index, index.html] |
Method | opt_user | Makes a server with ~/public_html and ~/.twistd-web-pb support for users. |
Method | opt_path | No summary |
Method | opt_processor | `ext=class' where `class' is added as a Processor for files ending with `ext'. |
Method | opt_static | Same as --path, this is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. |
Method | opt_class | Create a Resource subclass with a zero-argument constructor. |
Method | opt_resource_script | An .rpy file to be used as the root resource of the webserver. |
Method | opt_mime_type | Specify the default mime-type for static files. |
Method | opt_allow_ignore_ext | Specify whether or not a request for 'foo' should return 'foo.ext' |
Method | opt_ignore_ext | Specify an extension to ignore. These will be processed in order. |
Method | opt_flashconduit | Start a flashconduit on the specified port. |
Method | postOptions | I am called after the options are parsed. |
Inherited from Options:
Method | __hash__ | Define a custom hash function so that Options instances can be used as dictionary keys. This is an internal feature used to implement the parser. Do not rely on it in application code. |
Method | opt_help | Display this help and exit. |
Method | opt_version | Undocumented |
Method | parseOptions | The guts of the command-line parser. |
Method | parseArgs | I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options. |
Method | __str__ | Undocumented |
Method | getSynopsis | Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file. |
Method | getUsage | Undocumented |
Method | _generic_flag | Undocumented |
Method | _gather_flags | Gather up boolean (flag) options. |
Method | _gather_parameters | Gather options which take a value. |
Method | _gather_handlers | Gather up options with their own handler methods. |
I am called after the options are parsed.
Override this method in your subclass to do something after the options have been parsed and assigned, like validate that all options are sane.