t.f.c.Deferred(Controller, defer.Deferred) : class documentation

Part of twisted.flow.controller View Source View In Hierarchy

wraps up a Stage with a Deferred interface

In this version, the results of the Stage are used to construct a list of results and then sent to deferred. Further, in this version Cooperate is implemented via reactor's callLater.

For example:
   from twisted.internet import reactor
   from twisted.flow import flow

   def res(x): print x
   d = flow.Deferred([1,2,3])
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method results Undocumented
Method _execute Undocumented

Inherited from Deferred:

Method addCallbacks Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this Deferred.
Method addCallback Convenience method for adding just a callback.
Method addErrback Convenience method for adding just an errback.
Method addBoth Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback and an errback.
Method chainDeferred Chain another Deferred to this Deferred.
Method callback Run all success callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.
Method errback Run all error callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.
Method pause Stop processing on a Deferred until unpause() is called.
Method unpause Process all callbacks made since pause() was called.
Method setTimeout Set a timeout function to be triggered if I am not called.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method _continue Undocumented
Method _startRunCallbacks Undocumented
Method _runCallbacks Undocumented
def __init__(self, stage, *trap): (source)
def results(self, results): (source)
def _execute(self, dummy=None): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:02:37.