Part of twisted.internet.interfaces View Source View In Hierarchy
Known implementations: twisted.internet.posixbase.PosixReactorBase
Method | connectUNIX | Connect a client protocol to a UNIX socket. |
Method | listenUNIX | Listen on a UNIX socket. |
Parameters | address | a path to a unix socket on the filesystem. |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory
| |
timeout | number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. | |
checkPID | if True, check for a pid file to verify that a server is listening. | |
Returns | An object which provides IConnector .
Parameters | address | a path to a unix socket on the filesystem. |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.Factory
| |
backlog | number of connections to allow in backlog. | |
mode | mode to set on the unix socket. This parameter is deprecated. Permissions should be set on the directory which contains the UNIX socket. | |
wantPID | if True, create a pidfile for the socket. | |
Returns | An object which provides IListeningPort .