Part of twisted.python View Source
Win32 utilities.
See also twisted.python.shortcut.Class | FakeWindowsError | Stand-in for sometimes-builtin exception on platforms for which it is missing. |
Function | getProgramsMenuPath | Get the path to the Programs menu. |
Function | getProgramFilesPath | Get the path to the Program Files folder. |
Function | cmdLineQuote | Internal method for quoting a single command-line argument. |
Function | quoteArguments | Quote an iterable of command-line arguments for passing to CreateProcess
or a similar API. This allows the list passed to
reactor.spawnProcess to match the child process's
sys.argv properly.
Function | _determineWindowsError | Determine which WindowsError name to export. |
Class | _ErrorFormatter | Formatter for Windows error messages. |
Get the path to the Programs menu.
Probably will break on non-US Windows.Returns | the filesystem location of the common Start Menu->Programs. |
Parameters | s | an unquoted string that you want to quote so that something that does cmd.exe-style unquoting will interpret it as a single argument, even if it contains spaces. |
Returns | a quoted string. |
to match the child process's
Parameters | arglist | an iterable of str , each unquoted.
Returns | a single string, with the given sequence quoted as necessary. |