t.w.m.Text(CharacterData) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.microdom View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.web.domhelpers.RawText

No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method isEqualToNode Compare this text to text. If the underlying values and the raw flag are the same, return True, otherwise return False.
Method cloneNode Undocumented
Method writexml Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented

Inherited from CharacterData:

Method isEqualToCharacterData Undocumented

Inherited from Node (via CharacterData):

Method toxml Undocumented
Method writeprettyxml Undocumented
Method toprettyxml Undocumented
Method hasChildNodes Undocumented
Method appendChild Undocumented
Method insertBefore Undocumented
Method removeChild Undocumented
Method replaceChild Undocumented
Method lastChild Undocumented
Method firstChild Undocumented
def __init__(self, data, parentNode=None, raw=0): (source)
def isEqualToNode(self, other): (source)
Compare this text to text. If the underlying values and the raw flag are the same, return True, otherwise return False.
def cloneNode(self, deep=0, parent=None): (source)
def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''): (source)
def __repr__(self): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:02:37.