t.w.w.m.DeferredWrapper(Wrapper) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.woven.model View Source View In Hierarchy

Method setData No summary

Inherited from Wrapper:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method dataWillChange Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented

Inherited from Model (via Wrapper):

Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method invalidateCache Invalidate the cache for this object, so the next time getData is called, it's getter method is called again.
Method initialize Hook for subclasses to initialize themselves without having to mess with the __init__ chain.
Method addView Add a view for the model to keep track of.
Method addSubview Undocumented
Method removeView Remove a view that the model no longer should keep track of.
Method setGetter Undocumented
Method setSetter Undocumented
Method notify No summary
Method lookupSubmodel Look up a full submodel name. I will split on `/' and call getSubmodel on each element in the 'path'.
Method submodelCheck Check if a submodel name is allowed. Subclass me to implement a name security policy.
Method submodelFactory Undocumented
Method getSubmodel Get the submodel `name' of this model. If I ever return a Deferred, then I ought to check for cached values (created by setSubmodel) before doing a regular Deferred lookup.
Method setSubmodel No summary
Method getData Return the raw data contained by this Model object, if it is a wrapper. If not, return self.
def setData(self, request=None, data=_Nothing): (source)
Set the raw data referenced by this Model object, if it is a wrapper. This is done by telling our Parent model to setSubmodel the new data. If this object is not a wrapper, keep the data around and return it for subsequent getData calls.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:02:37.