[Divunal-list] Joining the Project

Michael Dartt jedin@twistedmatrix.com
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 22:58:09 -0400 (EDT)

Welcome aboard, Chris!  We here at Twisted Matrix Enterprises would like
to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your acceptance of the Authoring
Agreement(TM); we welcome you to the team.

We've noted your concerns regarding your skills and newness to the
project, and would like to assure you that we will never "put the smack
down"(TM) on you for asking a question, unless it has been documented.
Please check the web site; our very own long-haired hackers (and others)  
have worked hard to bring quality documentation to your web browser.

Insofar as learning programming is concerned, we think you will find
that the Twisted Reality API makes acquiring skills both safe and fun.
We recommend you begin by working in the library to build your
character's home.  The progression from using the commands provided to
writing your own will undoubtedly be quick and easy.  It's that
combination of simplicity and power that makes Twisted Reality and
Divunal part of a balanced breakfast.

Again, welcome aboard!  We look forward to seeing your work and reading
your email.  Enjoy!


Michael Dartt (Jedin)
Twisted Matrix Enterprises Corporate Division

--Twisted Reality: more girls, more guns, more beer.  Um, wait.  'More
game.' Right.  That's it.

P.S.  Glyph needs help.  A lot of it.  We hope you're prepared--and

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, The Spectre wrote:

> Hello! I'd like to let everyone know my intentions to join the project. My
> name is Chris, and I'm a 22 year old MU* junkie. I have always wanted to
> get into programming, and I see this as a great opportunity to do so. I
> have read and agree to the spiffy legal agreement, and plan to do
> authoring, coding, gophering, and whatever else Glyph needs. ;) I'm
> excited about the project, and have had over 5 years of MU* world-building
> experience that I hope to carry over into this TR world. Hope to be a help
> and not a burden, but plan on hearing alot of questions from me. Some
> stupid, some intuitive, most indecipherable. Anyway, thanks for the
> opportunity to work on such a groundbreaking (IMNSHO) arena. If you need
> to get in touch, you can always reach me at spectre@myriad.dhs.org and on
> IRC as either Phate or Spectre.
> Chris/Phate/Spectre
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