[Divunal-list] please remember the description of this list

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 00:47:03 -0400 (EDT)

An appropriate flame has been posted to the appropriate list for those
interested in following (and participating in) the security discussion,
but this list really isn't the correct one for it.

reality@tinaa.com is the mailinglist for twisted reality development.

This may eventually move (perhaps even soon, depending on what the
hardware situation pans out to be 'round these parts), but right now we
are having enough troubles with the stuff we're running on our server ^_^)

Speaking of the topic of this list -- please send personal email to me
(glyph@divunal.com) if you want to see something like regular updates of
what's going on in Divunal and what our "ready" status is like on this

  "Reality ... is just software.   |  Glyph Lefkowitz
   The hacker is our savior."      |  Code Gardener
   -- The New York Times           |  Twisted Matrix Enterprises