[Twisted-Python] Could not create and run a Windows Service with Twisted 2.0.1 & Python 2.4.1

Jp Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Fri Jul 8 11:30:03 MDT 2005

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 18:59:36 +0200, Luc Stepniewski <luc.stepniewski at adelux.fr> wrote:
>On Friday 08 July 2005 16:53, Cory Dodt wrote:
>> Luc, it's very common to get these near code that uses namedAny or named*
>> from reflect.  Using these calls guarantees that py2exe's module finding
>> algorithm won't know to bundle the named module.
>> You just need an "includes" line in your setup for
>> twisted.internet.default.
>Wow, you're right! It works. It's strange I didn't need this "includes" with
>Twisted 1.3. Anyway. I'll add this to the HOWTO, as soon as I can.

twisted.internet.default was never really public anyway, and now it's deprecated.  The ideal solution would be to stop using it altogether. What's it being imported for?


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