[Twisted-Python] Could not create and run a Windows Service with Twisted 2.0.1 & Python 2.4.1

Cory Dodt corydodt at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Jul 8 11:51:59 MDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

It's not being imported by user code, it's being imported by t.service.app.
Py2exe doesn't know that, so it loses it.

Luc, probably ntsvc should deal with this automatically. Let me think about it
before you put it in the HOWTO.


Jp Calderone wrote:
| On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 18:59:36 +0200, Luc Stepniewski
| <luc.stepniewski at adelux.fr> wrote:
|> On Friday 08 July 2005 16:53, Cory Dodt wrote:
|>> Luc, it's very common to get these near code that uses namedAny or
|>> named*
|>> from reflect.  Using these calls guarantees that py2exe's module finding
|>> algorithm won't know to bundle the named module.
|>> You just need an "includes" line in your setup for
|>> twisted.internet.default.
|> Wow, you're right! It works. It's strange I didn't need this
|> "includes" with
|> Twisted 1.3. Anyway. I'll add this to the HOWTO, as soon as I can.
| twisted.internet.default was never really public anyway, and now it's
| deprecated.  The ideal solution would be to stop using it altogether.
| What's it being imported for?
| Jp
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