[Twisted-Python] WANTED: Conch use-cases!

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Sun Apr 22 19:55:02 MDT 2007

On 4/23/07, Jonathan Lange <jml at mumak.net> wrote:
> On 4/23/07, Paul Swartz <paulswartz at gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you're using Conch (or another SSH library, like Paramiko), I'd
> > really appreciate it if you could add something to the bug tracker
> > about how you're using it and what you'd like out of an API, so that I
> > can best suit actual uses.
> I have a couple of use-cases that I'll be posting to the bug tracker a
> little bit later.

OK, I've filed a bunch of use-cases as tickets.

Because these describe things that we are already doing successfully,
they aren't really defects, enhancements or tasks, and so don't
_really_ belong on Trac. You should probably find some other way of
organising your use-cases (a wiki page perhaps).

I've thus prefixed all of my tickets with '[USE CASE]' and given them
all the keyword 'usecase', to indicate their unusual natures.


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