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t.t.unittest : module documentation

Part of twisted.trial View Source

Things likely to be used by writers of unit tests.

Maintainer: Jonathan Lange
Class SkipTest Raise this (with a reason) to skip the current test. You may also set method.skip to a reason string to skip it, or set class.skip to skip the entire TestCase.
Class FailTest Raised to indicate the current test has failed to pass.
Class Todo No summary
Function makeTodo Return a Todo object built from value.
Class TestCase A unit test. The atom of the unit testing universe.
Class UnsupportedTrialFeature A feature of twisted.trial was used that pyunit cannot support.
Class PyUnitResultAdapter No summary
Function suiteVisit Visit each test in suite with visitor.
Class TestSuite Extend the standard library's TestSuite with support for the visitor pattern and a consistently overrideable run method.
Class TestDecorator Decorator for test cases.
Function decorate Decorate all test cases in test with decorator.
Function __iter__ Undocumented
Function _findlinestarts Find the offsets in a byte code which are start of lines in the source.
Class _Warning No summary
Function _collectWarnings Call f with args positional arguments and kwargs keyword arguments and collect all warnings which are emitted as a result in a list.
Class _Assertions Replaces many of the built-in TestCase assertions. In general, these assertions provide better error messages and are easier to use in callbacks. Also provides new assertions such as failUnlessFailure.
Class _LogObserver Observes the Twisted logs and catches any errors.
Function _clearSuite Clear all tests from suite.
Class _PyUnitTestCaseAdapter Adapt from pyunit.TestCase to ITestCase.
Class _BrokenIDTestCaseAdapter Adapter for pyunit-style TestCase subclasses that have undesirable id() methods. That is pyunit.FunctionTestCase and pyunit.DocTestCase.
Class _ForceGarbageCollectionDecorator Forces garbage collection to be run before and after the test. Any errors logged during the post-test collection are added to the test result as errors.
Function _iterateTests Iterate through all of the test cases in testSuiteOrCase.
Class _SubTestCase Undocumented
Function _deprecate Internal method used to deprecate top-level assertions. Do not use this.
def _findlinestarts(code): (source)

Find the offsets in a byte code which are start of lines in the source.

Generate pairs (offset, lineno) as described in Python/compile.c.
def makeTodo(value): (source)

Return a Todo object built from value.

If value is a string, return a Todo that expects any exception with value as a reason. If value is a tuple, the second element is used as the reason and the first element as the excepted error(s).
ParametersvalueA string or a tuple of (errors, reason), where errors is either a single exception class or an iterable of exception classes.
ReturnsA Todo object.
def _collectWarnings(observeWarning, f, *args, **kwargs): (source)
Call f with args positional arguments and kwargs keyword arguments and collect all warnings which are emitted as a result in a list.
ParametersobserveWarningA callable which will be invoked with a _Warning instance each time a warning is emitted.
ReturnsThe return value of f(*args, **kwargs).
def suiteVisit(suite, visitor): (source)

Visit each test in suite with visitor.

Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
ParametersvisitorA callable which takes a single argument, the TestCase instance to visit.
def _clearSuite(suite): (source)

Clear all tests from suite.

This messes with the internals of suite. In particular, it assumes that the suite keeps all of its tests in a list in an instance variable called _tests.
def decorate(test, decorator): (source)

Decorate all test cases in test with decorator.

test can be a test case or a test suite. If it is a test suite, then the structure of the suite is preserved.

decorate tries to preserve the class of the test suites it finds, but assumes the presence of the _tests attribute on the suite.
ParameterstestThe TestCase or TestSuite to decorate.
decoratorA unary callable used to decorate TestCases.
ReturnsA decorated TestCase or a TestSuite containing decorated TestCases.
def _iterateTests(testSuiteOrCase): (source)
Iterate through all of the test cases in testSuiteOrCase.
def __iter__(self): (source)
def _deprecate(name): (source)
Internal method used to deprecate top-level assertions. Do not use this.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:12:41.