Part of twisted.internet.interfaces View Source View In Hierarchy
Known implementations: twisted.internet.base.ReactorBase
Internally, this should use a thread pool and dispatch methods to them.
Method | getThreadPool | Return the threadpool used by callInThread .
Create it first if necessary. |
Method | callInThread | Run the callable object in a separate thread. |
Method | callFromThread | Cause a function to be executed by the reactor thread. |
Method | suggestThreadPoolSize | Suggest the size of the internal threadpool used to dispatch functions
passed to callInThread . |
Create it first if necessary.Returns | (type: twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool
) |
Use this method when you want to run a function in the reactor's thread
from another thread. Calling callFromThread
should wake up the main thread (where
executing) and run the given callable in that thread.
If you're writing a multi-threaded application the callable
may need to be thread safe, but this method doesn't require it as such. If
you want to call a function in the next mainloop iteration, but you're in
the same thread, use callLater
with a delay of 0.