Part of twisted.internet View Source
Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
Interface | IAddress | An address, e.g. a TCP (host, port) . |
Interface | IConnector | Object used to interface between connections and protocols. |
Interface | IResolverSimple | No interface docstring; 1/1 methods documented |
Interface | IResolver | No interface docstring; 23/23 methods documented |
Interface | IReactorArbitrary | This interface is redundant with IReactorFDSet
and is deprecated. |
Interface | IReactorTCP | No interface docstring; 2/2 methods documented |
Interface | IReactorSSL | No interface docstring; 2/2 methods documented |
Interface | IReactorUNIX | UNIX socket methods. |
Interface | IReactorUNIXDatagram | Datagram UNIX socket methods. |
Interface | IReactorWin32Events | Win32 Event API methods |
Interface | IReactorUDP | UDP socket methods. |
Interface | IReactorMulticast | UDP socket methods that support multicast. |
Interface | IReactorProcess | No interface docstring; 1/1 methods documented |
Interface | IReactorTime | Time methods that a Reactor should implement. |
Interface | IDelayedCall | A scheduled call. |
Interface | IReactorThreads | Dispatch methods to be run in threads. |
Interface | IReactorCore | Core methods that a Reactor must implement. |
Interface | IReactorPluggableResolver | A reactor with a pluggable name resolver interface. |
Interface | IReactorFDSet | Implement me to be able to use IFileDescriptor
type resources. |
Interface | IListeningPort | A listening port. |
Interface | ILoggingContext | Give context information that will be used to log events generated by this item. |
Interface | IFileDescriptor | An interface representing a UNIX-style numeric file descriptor. |
Interface | IReadDescriptor | An IFileDescriptor
that can read. |
Interface | IWriteDescriptor | An IFileDescriptor
that can write. |
Interface | IReadWriteDescriptor | An IFileDescriptor
that can both read and write. |
Interface | IHalfCloseableDescriptor | A descriptor that can be half-closed. |
Interface | ISystemHandle | An object that wraps a networking OS-specific handle. |
Interface | IConsumer | A consumer consumes data from a producer. |
Interface | IFinishableConsumer | A Consumer for producers that finish. This interface offers no
advantages over IConsumer
and is deprecated. Please use IConsumer.unregisterProducer
instead of IFinishableConsumer.finish . |
Interface | IProducer | A producer produces data for a consumer. |
Interface | IPushProducer | No summary |
Interface | IPullProducer | A pull producer, also known as a non-streaming producer, is expected to produce data each time resumeProducing() is called. |
Interface | IProtocol | No interface docstring; 4/4 methods documented |
Interface | IProcessProtocol | Interface for process-related event handlers. |
Interface | IHalfCloseableProtocol | Implemented to indicate they want notification of half-closes. |
Interface | IProtocolFactory | Interface for protocol factories. |
Interface | ITransport | I am a transport for bytes. |
Interface | ITCPTransport | A TCP based transport. |
Interface | ITLSTransport | A TCP transport that supports switching to TLS midstream. |
Interface | ISSLTransport | A SSL/TLS based transport. |
Interface | IProcessTransport | A process transport. |
Interface | IServiceCollection | An object which provides access to a collection of services. |
Interface | IUDPTransport | Transport for UDP DatagramProtocols. |
Interface | IUNIXDatagramTransport | Transport for UDP PacketProtocols. |
Interface | IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport | Transport for UDP ConnectedPacketProtocols. |
Interface | IMulticastTransport | Additional functionality for multicast UDP. |
Interface | IStreamClientEndpoint | A stream client endpoint is a place that ClientFactory
can connect to. For example, a remote TCP host/port pair would be a TCP
client endpoint. |
Interface | IStreamServerEndpoint | A stream server endpoint is a place that a Factory can
listen for incoming connections. |
Interface | IStreamServerEndpointStringParser | No summary |
Interface | IStreamClientEndpointStringParser | An IStreamClientEndpointStringParser
is a parser which can convert a set of string *args and
**kwargs into an IStreamClientEndpoint
provider. |