Part of twisted.internet.interfaces View Source View In Hierarchy
Known implementations: twisted.internet.iocpreactor.udp.Port, twisted.internet.udp.Port
Method | write | Write packet to given address. |
Method | connect | Connect the transport to an address. |
Method | getHost | Returns IPv4Address . |
Method | stopListening | Stop listening on this port. |
Parameters | addr | a tuple of (ip, port). For connected transports must be the address the transport is connected to, or None. In non-connected mode this is mandatory. |
Raises | twisted.internet.error.MessageLengthError | packet was too long.
This changes it to connected mode. Datagrams can only be sent to this address, and will only be received from this address. In addition the protocol's connectionRefused method might get called if destination is not receiving datagrams.
Parameters | host | an IP address, not a domain name ('', not 'localhost') |
port | port to connect to. |