Part of twisted.internet.win32eventreactor View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorFDSet, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorWin32Events
Instance Variables | _reads | A dictionary mapping FileDescriptor
instances to a win32 event object used to check for read events for that
_writes | A dictionary mapping FileDescriptor
instances to a arbitrary value. Keys in this dictionary will be given a
chance to write out their data.
| |
_events | A dictionary mapping win32 event object to tuples of FileDescriptor
instances and event masks.
| |
_closedAndReading | Along with _closedAndNotReading , keeps track of descriptors
which have had close notification delivered from the OS but which we have
not finished reading data from. MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will only
deliver close notification to us once, so we remember it in these two
dictionaries until we're ready to act on it. The OS has delivered close
notification for each descriptor in this dictionary, and the descriptors
are marked as allowed to handle read events in the reactor, so they can be
processed. When a descriptor is marked as not allowed to handle read
events in the reactor (ie, it is passed to IReactorFDSet.removeReader ),
it is moved out of this dictionary and into
_closedAndNotReading . The descriptors are keys in this
dictionary. The values are arbitrary.
(type: dict
) | |
_closedAndNotReading | These descriptors have had close notification delivered from the OS, but
are not marked as allowed to handle read events in the reactor. They are
saved here to record their closed state, but not processed at all. When
one of these descriptors is passed to IReactorFDSet.addReader ,
it is moved out of this dictionary and into _closedAndReading .
The descriptors are keys in this dictionary. The values are arbitrary.
This is a weak key dictionary so that if an application tells the reactor
to stop reading from a descriptor and then forgets about that descriptor
itself, the reactor will also forget about it.
(type: WeakKeyDictionary
) |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | addEvent | Add a new win32 event to the event loop. |
Method | removeEvent | Remove an event. |
Method | addReader | Add a socket FileDescriptor for notification of data available to read. |
Method | addWriter | Add a socket FileDescriptor for notification of data available to write. |
Method | removeReader | Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to read. |
Method | removeWriter | Remove a Selectable for notification of data available to write. |
Method | removeAll | Remove all selectables, and return a list of them. |
Method | getReaders | Return the list of file descriptors currently monitored for input events by the reactor. |
Method | getWriters | Return the list file descriptors currently monitored for output events by the reactor. |
Method | doWaitForMultipleEvents | Undocumented |
Method | _makeSocketEvent | Make a win32 event object for a socket. |
Method | _runWrite | Undocumented |
Method | _runAction | Undocumented |
Inherited from PosixReactorBase:
Method | installWaker | Install a `waker' to allow threads and signals to wake up the IO thread. |
Method | spawnProcess | Spawn a process, with a process protocol. |
Method | listenUDP | Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given numeric UDP port. |
Method | listenMulticast | Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port. |
Method | connectUNIX | |
Method | listenUNIX | |
Method | listenUNIXDatagram | Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given path. |
Method | connectUNIXDatagram | Connects a ConnectedDatagramProtocol
instance to a path. |
Method | listenTCP | |
Method | connectTCP | |
Method | connectSSL | |
Method | listenSSL | |
Method | listenWith | Undocumented |
Method | connectWith | Undocumented |
Method | _disconnectSelectable | Utility function for disconnecting a selectable. |
Method | _handleSignals | Extend the basic signal handling logic to also support handling SIGCHLD to know when to try to reap child processes. |
Method | _uninstallHandler | If a child waker was created and installed, uninstall it now. |
Method | _removeAll | Remove all readers and writers, and list of removed IReadDescriptor s
and IWriteDescriptor s. |
Inherited from _SignalReactorMixin (via PosixReactorBase):
Method | startRunning | Extend the base implementation in order to remember whether signal handlers should be installed later. |
Method | run | Undocumented |
Method | mainLoop | Undocumented |
Method | _reallyStartRunning | Extend the base implementation by also installing signal handlers, if
self._installSignalHandlers is true. |
Inherited from ReactorBase (via PosixReactorBase):
Method | installResolver | Set the internal resolver to use to for name lookups. |
Method | wakeUp | Wake up the event loop. |
Method | doIteration | Do one iteration over the readers and writers which have been added. |
Method | resolve | Return a Deferred that will resolve a hostname. |
Method | stop | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.stop. |
Method | crash | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.crash. |
Method | sigInt | Handle a SIGINT interrupt. |
Method | sigBreak | Handle a SIGBREAK interrupt. |
Method | sigTerm | Handle a SIGTERM interrupt. |
Method | disconnectAll | Disconnect every reader, and writer in the system. |
Method | iterate | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.iterate. |
Method | fireSystemEvent | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.fireSystemEvent. |
Method | addSystemEventTrigger | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.addSystemEventTrigger. |
Method | removeSystemEventTrigger | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.removeSystemEventTrigger. |
Method | callWhenRunning | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.callWhenRunning. |
Method | startRunning | Method called when reactor starts: do some initialization and fire startup events. |
Method | callLater | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater. |
Method | getDelayedCalls | No summary |
Method | timeout | Undocumented |
Method | runUntilCurrent | Run all pending timed calls. |
Method | callFromThread 0 | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.callFromThread . |
Method | getThreadPool | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.getThreadPool . |
Method | callInThread | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.callInThread . |
Method | suggestThreadPoolSize | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.suggestThreadPoolSize . |
Method | callFromThread | Cause a function to be executed by the reactor thread. |
Method | _reallyStartRunning | Method called to transition to the running state. This should happen in the during startup event trigger phase. |
Method | _moveCallLaterSooner | Undocumented |
Method | _cancelCallLater | Undocumented |
Method | _insertNewDelayedCalls | Undocumented |
Method | _checkProcessArgs | Check for valid arguments and environment to spawnProcess. |
Method | _initThreads | Undocumented |
Method | _initThreadPool | Create the threadpool accessible with callFromThread. |
Method | _stopThreadPool | No summary |
Returns | the list of file descriptors monitored for input events.
(type: list of IReadDescriptor
) |
Returns | the list of file descriptors monitored for output events.
(type: list of IWriteDescriptor
) |