Part of twisted.protocols.amp View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Create a ProtocolSwitchCommand. |
Class Method | makeResponse | Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command 's
response schema. |
Method | _doCommand | When we emit a ProtocolSwitchCommand, lock the protocol, but don't actually switch to the new protocol unless an acknowledgement is received. If an error is received, switch back. |
Inherited from Command:
Class | __metaclass__ | Metaclass hack to establish reverse-mappings for 'errors' and 'fatalErrors' as class vars. |
Class Method | makeArguments | Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command 's
argument schema. |
Class Method | parseResponse | Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command 's
response schema. |
Class Method | parseArguments | Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command 's
argument schema. |
Class Method | responder | Declare a method to be a responder for a particular command. |
Parameters | _protoToSwitchToFactory | a ProtocolFactory which will generate the Protocol to switch to. |
kw | Keyword arguments, encoded and handled normally as Command would.